Here what happened in terms of gameplay in the pilot of Rock Feud.
Save Ferris[]
Monique | Captain |
Mikell | Sister |
Shoshana | Cousin |
Annette | Mother |
Thomas | Father |
Their charity is the H-Project Los Angeles.
A. Jay | Captain |
Jeremy | Brother |
Michelle | Sister-In-Law |
Alan | Father |
Sheri | Mother |
Their charity is the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
Opening Questions[]
Save Ferris' Question[]
If Barbie had to raise some fast cash, name something she might auction off.
Her Sports Car | $5,000 |
Her Dream House | $10,000 |
Ken | $2,500 |
Lit's Question[]
Name something you'd never use more than once.
Kleenex | ? |
Toilet Paper | $10,000 |
Condom | ? |
Fast Money Banks[]
Save Ferris: $5,000
Lit Crew: $10,000
Main Game[]
Question 1[]
Question: Name a place some people get pierced, that other people think is crazy.
Tongue | 42 |
Nose | 24 |
Belly Button | 16 |
Nipples | 8 |
Genitals | 5 |
Eyebrows | 3 |
Contestant Responses[]
A. Jay | Genitals | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Monique | NO ANSWER | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Lit decided to play.
Jeremy | Tongue | 42 | 1 | 47 | |
Michelle | Lips | 0 | 0 | X | 47 |
Alan | Nose | 24 | 2 | X | 71 |
Sheri | Nipples | 8 | 4 | X | 79 |
A. Jay | Belly Button | 16 | 3 | X | 95 |
Jeremy | Eyebrows | 3 | 6 | Clean Sweep | 98 |
Question 2 (Double)[]
Question: Years from now, name something Pamela Anderson might look back on and wished she never did.
Breast Implants | 41 | Posed for Playboy | 7 |
Wed Tommy Lee | 26 | Her TV Shows | 6 |
Made Sex Video | 9 | Got Tattooed | 3 |
D O U B L E |
Contestant Responses[]
Mikell | Video with Hubby | 9 | 3 | 18 |
Jeremy | Breast Implants | 41 | 1 | 100 |
Lit decided to pass.
Shoshana | Have Children | 0 | 0 | X | 100 |
Annette | Remarrying Tommy Lee |
26 | 2 | X | 152 |
Thomas | Baywatch | 6 | 5 | X | 164 |
Monique | NO ANSWER | 0 | 0 | XX | 164 |
Mikell | Wore Big Giant Hat to Emmys |
0 | 0 | XXX | 164 |
Lit | Posing Nude | 7 | 4 | Steal | 178 |
Question 3 (Triple)[]
Question: If they offered a class called "How to be a Rockstar", name something they might teach you how to do.
Play Instrument | 46 |
Sing | 30 |
Move with Style | 14 |
Wear Cool Clothes | 8 |
T R I P L E |
Contestant Responses[]
Shoshana | Play an Instrument | 46 | 1 | 46 |
Save Ferris decided to play.
Annette | Sing | 30 | 2 | 228 | |
Thomas | Dance | 14 | 3 | 270 | |
Monique | Dress Crazy | 8 | 4 | Clean Sweep | 294 |
Question | Save Ferris | Lit Crew |
Q1 | 0 | 95 |
Q2 | 0 | 278 |
Q3 | 294 | 278 |
Fast Money[]
Played by Monique, then Mikell.
- A famous rapper turned movie actor
- Besides chili, something to put on a chili dog.
- A foreign accent a man might pretend to have to pick up women.
- How many miles above the speed limit you can get away with driving?
- A souvenir to buy at a rock concert.
#1 Answers[]
Q1 | Tupac |
Q2 | Cheese |
Q3 | French |
Ice-T | 8 | NO ANSWER | 0 |
Onions | 26 | Cheese | 28 |
French | 45 | Italian | 8 |
5 | 34 | 10 | 31 |
Shirt | 32 | Lighter | N/A |
SUBTOTAL | 145 | SUBTOTAL | 67 |
:00 | 212 | TOTAL | :00 |
Save Ferris: $5,000