The fourth episode of the 1988 CBS revival of Family Feud, with new host Ray Combs and original announcer Gene Wood. Features the Holtrust Family vs. the Liesch Family. The Holtrust family are returning 3-day champions with $12,300.
Ed | Captain |
Steve | Son |
Mark | Son |
Julie | Daughter |
Pam | Daughter |
Lew | Captain |
Peggy | Wife |
Lori | Daughter |
Kathy | Daughter |
Chris (Female) | Niece |
Main Game[]
Question 1[]
Question: A occupation in which you think people make more money than they deserve.
Lawyer | 27 |
Athlete | 25 |
Actor/Actress | 10 |
Physician | 10 |
Politician | 10 |
Contestant Responses[]
Lew | Judges (Lawyer) | 27 | 1 | 27 |
Peggy | Doctors | 4 | 10 | 37 | |
Lori | Veterinarian | 0 | 0 | X | 37 |
Kathy | Mechanic | 0 | 0 | XX | 37 |
Chris | Plumber | 0 | 0 | XXX | 37 |
Pam | Actor | ||||
Julie | Baseball Player | ||||
Mark | Used Car Salesman | ||||
Steve | Dentist | ||||
Ed | Actor | 3 | 10 | Steal | 37 |
Question 2[]
Question: A famous Russian.
Gorbachev | 27 |
Stalin | 23 |
Baryshnikov | 21 |
Lenin | 11 |
Khrushchev | 5 |
Tolstoy | 4 |
Contestant Responses[]
Peggy | Khrushchev | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Steve | Stalin | 23 | 2 | 28 |
Mark | Lenin | 4 | 11 | 39 | |
Julie | Tchaikovsky | 0 | 0 | X | 39 |
Pam | Baryshnikov | 3 | 21 | X | 60 |
Ed | Nakitchnikov | 0 | 0 | XX | 60 |
Steve | Gorbachev | 27 | 1 | XX | 87 |
Mark | NO ANSWER | 0 | 0 | XXX | 87 |
Chris | Rudolf Nureyev | ||||
Kathy | Nadia Comaneci | ||||
Lori | Nadia Comaneci | ||||
Peggy | Nadia Comaneci | ||||
Lew | Nadia Comaneci | 0 | 0 | No Steal | 87 |
Question 3[]
Question: Something you can do to stay awake while driving.
Sing | 37 |
Open Window | 20 |
Listen to Radio | 19 |
Drink Coffee | 13 |
Chew Gum | 5 |
Contestant Responses[]
Mark | Count | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Lori | Sing | 37 | 1 | 37 |
Kathy | Roll Down Window | 2 | 20 | 57 | |
Chris | Drink Cup of Coffee | 4 | 13 | 70 | |
Lew | Smoke | 0 | 0 | X | 70 |
Peggy | Get Out and Take a Walk | 0 | 0 | XX | 70 |
Lori | Read a Newspaper | 0 | 0 | XXX | 70 |
Pam | Listen to Radio | ||||
Julie | Talk to Somebody | ||||
Mark | Listen to Radio | ||||
Steve | Take No-Doze | ||||
Ed | Listen to Radio | 3 | 19 | Steal | 70 |
Question 4 (Double)[]
Question: Where do you think a child gets most of his/her information about love & sex.
D O U B L E |
Friends | 56 | D O U B L E |
Parents/Family | 17 | ||
School/Education | 16 | ||
Television | 10 |
Contestant Responses[]
Julie | From Friends | 56 | 1 | 112 |
Pam | From Parents | 2 | 17 | 146 | |
Ed | School | 3 | 16 | 178 | |
Steve | Magazines | 0 | 0 | X | 178 |
Mark | The Bathroom Wall | 0 | 0 | XX | 178 |
Julie | Television | 4 | 10 | Clean Sweep | 198 |
Question | Liesch | Holtrust |
Q1 | 0 | 37 |
Q2 | 0 | 124 |
Q3 | 0 | 194 |
Q4 | 0 | 392 |
Fast Money[]
Played by Steve, then Julie.
- A room in school other than a classroom
- A country with distinctive music.
- A specific food you can fry.
- A gentle animal
- A fairy tale
#1 Answers[]
Q1 | Gymnasium |
Q2 | Germany & Scotland |
Q3 | Chicken |
Q4 | Cat |
Auditorium | 11 | Cafeteria | 24 |
Switzerland | 3 | Germany | 14 |
Potatoes | 21 | *Chicken | 34 |
Lamb | 20 | Rabbit | 22 |
Snow White | 26 | The Three Little Pigs | 2 |
:03 | 177 | TOTAL | :02 |
The Holtrust family wins $885.
Holtrust: $13,577
Liesch: $250